Getting Started
This section will help you installing discord-player-plus
to use it as a discord bot.
Node.js version
As of discord.js
v14 you have to install Node 16.9 or higher (see discord.js documentation).
Step 1: Installation
Install discord-player-plus
and discord.js
npm i discord.js discord-player-plus
Step 2: Create discord client
You need to create a discord client for your bot to interact with the discord API.
import { Client, GatewayIntentBits } from "discord.js";
import { Command } from "discord-player-plus";
// this is the discord client for your music bot
const client = new Client({
intents: [
// put all slash commands that your bot offers in here
// we will add them in a later step
const slashCommands: Command[] = [];
// register the slash commands when the bot is started
client.on("ready", async (client) => {
console.log(`Bot ready and logged in as ${client.user.tag}`);
await client.application.commands.set(slashCommands);
// actually login the discord bot
// important: you should not expose your discord client token in your git repository.
// you can e.g. use dotenv ( for this and add the .env file
// to your .gitignore
Step 3: Create the PlayerManager
The PlayerManager
should only exist once in your application and is responsible for managing the different music players for multiple guilds/discord servers so you don't have to manage them on your own.
Extend the code from step 2 by adding the following code above const slashCommands
import { handleSlashCommand, PlayerManager } from "discord-player-plus";
// you can set player settings that apply to each guild
const playerManager = new PlayerManager({
playerDefault: {
initialVolume: 50,
// the interactionCreate event is emitted when a user executes a slash command
// here, we want to run our commands
client.on("interactionCreate", async (interaction) => {
// the handleSlashCommand helper is provided by discord-player-plus and checks if the given slash command
// is supported and executes it accordingly.
await handleSlashCommand(
Step 4: Create commands
Now we want to add slash commands to the slashCommands
array that we already defined in Step 2. discord-player-plus
provides pre-build slash commands for all its core functionality.
However, here is an example for creating a custom command:
import { Command } from "discord-player-plus";
const myCustomCommand: Command = {
name: "mycommand",
description: "Does some cool stuff",
// the run method is the execution point of the command
// it is called by the `handleSlashCommand` helper that we defined earlier
run: async (interaction) => {
const player = playerManager.find(interaction.guildId);
if (!player || !player.isPlaying()) {
await interaction.reply({
content: "🤖 I am currently not playing anything.",
ephemeral: true,
return false;
await interaction.reply({
content: `I am playing the current song since ${Math.round(player.getPlaybackDuration() / 1000)} seconds`
ephemeral: true,
return true;
Usage without commands
can of course be used without commands or pre-build commands. Below is an example for playing tracks.
import { PlayerManager } from "discord-player-plus";
// create your discord.js client here
const playerManager = new PlayerManager();
const player = playerManager.get("my-guild-id");
// get your voice channel here, e.g. from a slash command
const voiceChannel;
const searchResult = await"Luis Fonsi - Despacito");
if (searchResult?.tracks.length) {
channel: voiceChannel,
// play first matched song for Despacito
tracks: searchResult.tracks[0],